~ Mercury has a weaker gravity than Earth because of its size.
~ Mercury has an iron core, making it the second densest.
~ Mercury is often called a morning star because it shines brightly in the early morning just before the sun rises.
~ The largest known feature (impact) on Mercury, has a diameter of 1,550 km!
~ Mercury may have water on its surface in form of ice.
~ Craters of Mercury are named after artists, writers, and musicians.
~ Mercury has no seasons.
~ Mercury's orbit is very eccentric, more than any other planet.
~ Sunlight cannot spread through Mercury so one side will be much darker than the other.
~ It is estimated that Mercury was formed 4.6 billion years ago.
~When viewed through a telescope, Mercury can often appear as a crescent because we often see the planet to one side of the sun.
~ At a single orbit, Mercury receives as much as 11 times the intensity of sunlight than Earth does.
~ Mercury's axis is almost perfectly vertical.
~ The craters on Mercury are shallower than those on the moon.
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