Thursday, May 16, 2013

General Information

~ The diameter of Mercury is 4,880 km.
~ A day in Mercury is about 59 Earth days.
~ A year in Mercury is 88 Earth days. 
~ The average distance from the sun is 57,910,000 (0.39 A.U)
~ Mercury does not have any moons.
~ Mercury's surface is marred by an impressive number of craters and is rocky.
~ Mercury does not have an atmosphere, the gases were boiled off into space.
~ Mercury is named after the messenger of Roman gods.
~ The date of discovery is unknown.
~ 100 lbs would weigh only 38 lbs.
~ The highest temperature would be 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the lowest temperature would be -290 degrees Fahrenheit.
~The average mass of Mercury is 330,104,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
~ Mercury does not have any rings. 

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